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How does
it all work?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste

We are BERICK and we want to provide amazing investment opportunities, no matter how much you can invest.

We make the complicated legal and paperwork business part hassle-free for investors to seize real estate benefits in a quick efficient way through blockchain.

Overall, real estate can provide a very attractive gross annual percentage yield on average of 15% and since we are working at locations all over the world, we look for attractive opportunities where this yield can go even higher.

Browse and pick the property, read all the documents, financials and invest as much as you want. Sit back,
claim your rewards and grow your wealth!

We use Polygon network for its reliability, speed and stability,

also low transaction fees. We are working on adding new blockchain networks to increase customer adoption.

We use USDC as the investment token, since we want to avoid fluctuations in alt-coin token value. We will -at a later stage- provide greater wealth generation through our own alt-coin once our project is consolidated, allowing you to grow with us.