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About us

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Juan, our founder and CEO, has always embraced new technologies and ways of doing.

At his senior year of law school, he -alongside 6 of his friends- started an ecommerce business that would forever change him and inspire his career to evolve towards how technology impacted the way we interact with each other and the importance of embedded finance.

With a customer centric approach and a simplistic development mindset he has spent most of his career leading product development and financial services within banks and fintech companies throughout many countries, gaining perspective on how important it is to have a transparent, efficient and useful offerings to grow satisfaction and loyal customers.

Over the past
two years, web3
has emerged as a
relevant technology,

challenging the status quo of new ways to interact and transact within a new space in a decentralized, direct and secure way with a fraction of processing time and costs that traditional banking provides.

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Berick is born to two fundamental pillars: utilizing the blockchain revolution to provide seamless access to investment opportunities in traditional platforms(such as real estate) and democratize investment opportunities, traditionally considered exclusive to high-net-worth individuals or funds.

We want to bridge
the old with the new.

We want to make investments available to all, no matter the size.

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